Taking time for the self

Taking time for the self

For the last week I have taken time for myself.  On Monday of last week I became quite sick and was well unable to do much of anything.  So I caved, my body was telling me to relax and heal and that is what I did.  For the first few days it was rough I could not meditate or do anything I normally do. It is almost impossible to meditate when one feels ill.

I figured I would take the first few days and just relax not doing anything (something I have not done in a while).  I watched TV (all my paranormal shows like Supernatural, Paranormal State, and A Haunting), played some video games and made sure I drank lots of fluids.   I also made sure to live fully in each moment and experience all the pleasure that each moment brought.  This  allowed me to feel great! even when I was feeling rough.

Focusing is something that I enjoy so I always am focused in the moments of life. It was just the harder exercises like the dot and the chalkboard that I was unable to do.

After a few days I felt a little better and was able to focus again.   I summoned an entity (Marbas) to help me along the healing process.  It was the hardest summoning I have ever done because I was still a little groggy and was having trouble focusing. I think that my connection with this particular entity is the reason he came to me.  This is why I encourage forming strong connections with the entities you summon as it is very helpful.  Anyway once the entity arrived I asked him to heal me and he said it would be done. The next day my stuffy nose was gone.  It was great! I could sleep properly.

Inner Self
Inner Self

After I was feeling better, I decided I was going to take more time off to reconnect with myself and give myself a change to heal fully.

It caught me off guard when I got sick because I usually never get ill.  I eat the very best I can, exercise and stay away from harmful substances.  So it was a huge shock to me when I woke up one morning ill.  Well truth be told I have been working myself very hard, a little to hard, and it finally caught up with me.  I can use meditation to recharge my energy, so I kept going and pushed myself harder and harder and missed the fact that my physical body was getting run down.  It is good for a little while, but every now and then we all need to reground and take time for ourselves.

As Black Magicians we develop some amazing abilities and when we begin to develop them we all go through energy shift. There can be trying and we have to accept that there will be times when our body just needs to relax and adjust to the new energies that are flowing through it. These shifts can be hard at times as they can stir emotions inside of you and test your limits. When this happens you just need to relax and do what your body needs you to do.

Taking time for the self is important in all levels of magick and black magick.  This is surprisingly a very hard task for some people as so many people are use to the crazy hustle and bussell of everyday life that they have a hard time just letting it all go and taking time to relax and fully live in each moment enjoying it. To many people live in the past and the future, and very few actually live in the present.


When I say relax I mean RELAX,  some people when they try to relax they end up thinking about everything they have to do, or they feel guilty that they are relaxing when there is so much to do. Don’t feel this way, you deserve to treat yourself in the best way possible.

In Black Magic one needs to live in each moment be present.  They also cannot feel guilty when they take time to just relax.  Our crede teaches us that we are gods and we deserve to treat ourselves in the best possible way. It will help us become stronger and tune our powers  improving our abilities.

There is no right way to relax, it is just doing whatever makes you feel peaceful and allows you to let go of everything that causes you stress.  To often stress controls us and that is a bad thing.  In black magic we are the masters of our world and we let nothing control us.  So it is important to take the time and make sure that the stress is merely a force that tells you when something should be done.  It cannot control you,  that is when it becomes a harmful destructive force, instead of a motivational tool.  This is the difference between good stress and bad stress.

Sleeping Kitty
Sleeping Kitty

In some cases when learning an advanced black magick skill you will sleep twice as long as you normally do, because your body is  going trough such a change.  When learning these skills you will already have to have learned how to let go of the tensions of life and relax. It is a skill to give time to yourself, we are taught in society that this is being bad or selfish.  To this I say, yourself comes first, you cannot take care of anything or be at your best if you do not take care of yourself first!

Happy Relaxations!

Priestess Akelta

Priestess Akelta

Akelta has always had an interest in the occult and exploring the unseen world of spirit. She began her magickal journey at the young age of 6 years when she discovered that she came from a long line of spell casters and witches. She lives a truly magickal existence, not only in exploring the spirit world, but also using her abilities to create the life of her dreams. Aside from being an Occultist and Sourceress, she is also an artist and writer and in her spare time enjoys painting and drawing visions she receives from the spiritual world. She also enjoy drawing and reading peoples auras who request it of her. If you are interested in awakening our own spiritual ability and walking your unique spiritual path then visit Black Magic Secrets and get the tools you need to begin your spiritual quest. What are you waiting for?

Reader Comments

  1. I just found your blog, and I am loving it. Where can I find more information on astral entities and how to summon them? What are some good resources for an aspiring black magician.

    I have been a white(?) magician all my life — I am very, very sensitive to energy currents. Without going into details, I went through a very, very traumatic time in my life and I lost all sensation below the heart. Things are slowly trickling back in. I’m hoping to rebuild even purer and stronger than before. I feel that now, more than anything, I need to promote, protect, and foster personal power. What should I do? If you might kindly give a recommendation?

    This is my art gallery:


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