The Journey for One’s Spiritual Name

The Journey for One’s Spiritual Name

Everyone is born and given a name from their parents. It becomes your identity and a part of who you are. When one starts on the path of any magick or sorcery. In most shamanistic societies the rite of passage to becoming a shaman involves receiving your spiritual name from the world of spirit. In essence receiving your spiritual name is like a rite of passage into the spiritual world.

 Now weather you wish to walk the path of a Shaman, a white magician or a Black Magician you will at some point wish to uncover your spiritual name.

Queen of Winter
Queen of Winter

 Uncovering one’s spiritual name is a very interesting experience. Depending on the type of person you are will determine what you go through in order to receive your name. With some people the name will some to them in a dream or be given to them by their ancestors. This process happens relatively fast, you will be sleeping or meditating or even just sitting still and suddenly a name will pop into your head and hit you with such force that you know it is your spiritual name.

Triple Goddess
Triple Goddess

Some people choose to make their spiritual name based on their interests and beliefs. They will start my making a list of things that they like or are drawn to and then based on that will pick words that describe them. An example of this is, lets say you like the colour blue, you like tiger and you like the moon. You feel that these words represent you, So you put them together and you get BlueMoon Tiger, or whatever order you wish to place the word in.

Blue Tiger
Blue Tiger

The way that I received my spiritual name was on a journey on conversation with my higher self. I was meditating and focussing on exploring my self and my being as a whole. When you explore your entire being during meditation it is a process that can take years as you work at uncovering your un conscious, sub conscious and well as understanding your own spiritual nature. Learning about yourself never really ends as there are always new dimensions to explore and areas to uncover. Anyway, I was working at establishing a dialogue with my higher self in order to have my spiritual name revealed to me. It was a very interesting journey as I walked through my higher world I was faced with obstacles in which I needed to over come. Most of them where my own mental blocks and barriers. Limitations I had placed on myself.

When I finally reached my higher self the name Akelta was given to me and since that day I have used knowing full heartedly that this was my spiritual name.There are lots of ways of finding one’s spiritual name and truth be told NONE of them are wrong. This is your magickal journey and you are meant to discover the ways and paths that are right for you. Some people will journey to the spiritual world and battle an entity for their name. Some people will go through the spiritual death and rebirth in order to be reborn with their name. Others will fat for days and have their name brought to them by one of their guides. There is no wrong way to find your spiritual name. Just make sure that it is a name that feel 100% right for you.One more thing. You are under no obligation to tell anyone your spiritual name. If you want to, great! if you want to keep it a secret that is fine as well. Black magic is about following your own soul, thinking for yourself and doing what is right for you.Good luck on finding your own spiritual names.Priestess Akelta

Priestess Akelta

Akelta has always had an interest in the occult and exploring the unseen world of spirit. She began her magickal journey at the young age of 6 years when she discovered that she came from a long line of spell casters and witches. She lives a truly magickal existence, not only in exploring the spirit world, but also using her abilities to create the life of her dreams. Aside from being an Occultist and Sourceress, she is also an artist and writer and in her spare time enjoys painting and drawing visions she receives from the spiritual world. She also enjoy drawing and reading peoples auras who request it of her. If you are interested in awakening our own spiritual ability and walking your unique spiritual path then visit Black Magic Secrets and get the tools you need to begin your spiritual quest. What are you waiting for?

Reader Comments

  1. I love most of what you write. I could almost tell you what my spritural name is. I will research a little more first.

  2. well my spiritual name is IKIUS this is where i’ve received when i was with my spirit guide. mentioning the meditation and plunging with the goddess

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