The Celtic God Lugh is the God of craftsmanship and skill. He is a very skilled god who has many talents. Many Pagans today worship Lugh during the festival Lughnasadh. During Lughnasadh people often take the time to honour their own skills as well as take time to pay tribute to and worship Lugh asking for his blessing in improving their skills and talents.
One of Lugh’s Legends….
Lugh arrives at Tara, and is denied entrance. He enumerates all the great things he can do, and each time the guard says, “Sorry, we’ve already got someone here who can do that.” Finally Lugh asks, “Ah, but do you have anyone here who can do them ALL?”
Here is a little ritual to Invoke the talented spirit of Lugh into your home.
Invocation to Lugh…
Items you require
~A candle to represent Lugh
~Items that are symbolic of the harvest to decorate your altar
~Different symbols which represent your skill or talent
~An offering which is symbolic of Lughnasadh -grain, harvest, seeds, ect
Pre Ritual Preparation…

Before beginning the ritual take a moment to sit in silence with yourself and take note of your strengths and talents that you have. You might have something that you are really good at? Do you paint? Sing? Write? Draw? Bead? do woodworking? Cook? Dance? Anything that you can do. Take note of these talents.
Next think of all the things that you would like to learn and the things that you would like to improve. Once you sit with yourself and realize everything that you can do you will be surprised with how accomplished you are.
Next, you will want to decorate your altar with symbols of your skills and talents. Take items that represent what your talents and skills and adorn your altar with them in a manner that enhances the energy of the room. The goal here is to create an altar that is inspiring and fills you with positive energies about yourself and what you are doing.
Pick a candle which is to symbolize Lugh the god. A harvest colour such as orange, red, brown is most appripiate. Lugh came up with the idea of the grain festival to honour his foster mother, Tailtiu. Take the candle say…
“I call upon the blessing of Lugh”
Place the candle in the centre of your Altar. You are ready to begin the ritual.
Lughnasadh Harvest Ritual
1. Stand before the altar you have created and light the candle.
2. Take a deep breath in and think every skill and talent that you have. Be with them for a moment and feel proud of your accomplishments. Take pride in your skills and what you have learned over the years.
3. Annouce your talents to Lugh, by saying..
“Great God Lugh, God of many skills and talents.
God of craftsmen and artisans
The master of the trade
the silver tonged bard
Today I honour you, and ask your blessing upon my skills.
My skills are..”
*List your Skills Here*
(Now think of things that you wish you improve upon, it is time to ask for Lugh’s blessing in these matters)
“Great Lugh, god of many skills,
Shine your light upon me,
Bless me with your gifts and aid me in improving myself
Aid me in mastering the skill of..”
*List what it is you would like to improve*
4. At this time have your offering ready, remember it can be fruit, grain, wine, something that comes from the heart. Make your offering to Lugh by placing it on the Altar and saying…
“Great Lugh, I make this offering of *insert offering* to your greatness to honour you”
5. Time to close the ritual, say…
“I thank you, Great Lugh of skill for hearing me tonight.
I thank you for your blessing upon my skills and talents.
I Thank you for sharing your presence tonight.
Please take my offering and bless my home with your energies and wisdom.”
6. Take a deep breath in and feel the energies surrounding you. Reflect on your own abilities, how is your faith in your skills, do you believe in yourself or are you insecure. Take the time to feel pride for whatever it is that you do. Meditate for a moment on the energies that Lugh has blessed your home with. Then blow out the candle to end the ritual.
If you are performing this rite as part of a group, family or coven setting, go around in a circle and have each person take their turn to express their pride in their work, and to make their offerings to Lugh.
Happy Lughnasadh!