Lammas is the time of year when masculine energy of the Earth is strong. It is the season of the grain spirits, the time to honour Lugh (the god of craftsmanship) or other harvest gods, and a time to honour oneself and ones crafts. Lugh and many of the harvest masculine gods were also gifted smiths and swordsmen. The Late summer to middle of Fall season is a a time when the energies are heightened for those who have a warrior soul.
Who is the Warrior?

The Warrior is a being of great core strength. One who understands the idea of right. He/She has a code of honour and abides by this code even when it is not convenient or popular. The warrior understands that balance of life, the balance of darkness and light, creation and destruction, yin and yang, much like a black magician, or any student of the spirit world, the balance between light and dark is one that should be recognized and honoured.
The Warrior is an empowered soul who understand their self, their talents and their goals. The warrior is one who understands that life is a journey and one is bound to make mistakes, it is not the mistakes that define one, but how one learns form and handles those mistakes, and also how one never lets his mistakes defeat him.
Warriors are not just men, women have powerful warrior souls as well. The warrior is about personal empowerment and inner strength. There are have been many warrior women throughout history.
Here is a meditation to help you get in touch with your inner warrior.
Meditation of the Inner Warrior
Items you require….
~Purple canlde
~And oil of your choosing
~Items that are representational of a warrior
~Warrior paint (optional)
1. For this meditation make sure you will not be disturbed for 30 minutes to an hour.
2. Envision people you admire who are warriors. They can be anyone from history, or a warrior of present day culture, they can be a real person of one from fiction, anyone you desire who to you resembles a warrior. Imagine them and what makes them a warrior and the power that radiates off of them.
3. Before beginning your meditation take a ritual bath to clear your mind and body of any energies that might interfere. During the bath anoint yourself (rub into your skin) the oil that you have chosen.
4. After your bath if you have so chosen to add warrior paint
5. This meditation should be preformed outside. Set up a small altar and decorate it with the items that you have selected which represent a warrior. Place the candle in the middle of the altar. Items that are symbolic of a warrior can be things such as; a knife, a drum, and arrow head, a shield, a sword, anything.
6. If you have ancestors that you viewed as being a warrior, maybe a veteran from a war, or one who accomplished great deeds feel free to include and image of them or an heirloom.
7. Kneel before you altar and welcome any warrior spirits, or ancestors who wish to be present. Invite all warriors to surround the area and bring their energy to this sacred space. Invite your inner warrior to join you as you light the candle.
8. Sit still with yourself and gaze into the flame, visualizing and embracing the passion of the warrior soul.
9. Take a moment to reflect upon your life, all the things that you have done, all the lessons that you have learned all that you have learned from the mistakes you have made and how those mistakes have taught you great lessons. Look at your path and take from it all the wisdom that you have learned.
10. Bring your wisdom and knowledge into the present.
11. A warrior follow a path, a warrior is presented with many obstacles along that path. Think about your own path where you have come from and where you wish to go into the future. How have your grown from the experiences you have had? How can these experiences aid you in what you wish to accomplish in the future. Think about what traits you want to bring with you into the future, who do you want to be? What beliefs and behaviours do you wish to leave behind.
12. Believe if yourselff and your beliefs, your beliefs may not always be popular, and people may not agree with them, but as a warrior you walk a path, and you feel that path is right, stand strong on that path and never let the opinions of others sway you from what you feel is right. Stand strong in your warrior presence, claim your power and stand by what you believe to be right.
13. To do this will honour yourself. You will like with honour and respect for who you are. Pledge to yourself to alway honour your beliefs. Pledge to you and to your gods.
14. Stay focused on the burning flame and say..
“I am a warrior
I live with honour and pride
I respect myself
I am empowered
by following my path my deeds, words and actions bring me honour.
I am a warrior
I honour and pay tribute to myself, my family, my friends, my gods
I walk my path and stand strong.
Honour is not found first in the sword, but in the wisdom one learns from walking ones path
walking that path with wisdom, courage and strength.
I leave behind that which hold me back
and embrace that which guide me on my path
I will live in an honourable way and follow the code of the warrior.
I am a warrior
I have complete control over my mind
my thought and my sword
I pledge to hold truth in my heart
strength in my hands
and honesty in my words
I will stand on behalf of those who cannot speak for themselves
and stand for what is right,
for that is the path of the warrior.”
15. While you say this envision the warrior archetype you wish to bring into your essence. Draw their energy into you and charge yourself with the spirit of the warrior.
16. When you feel like you are completely charged with the essence of the warrior, extinguish your candle and be ready to embrace what lies ahead with strength and wisdom.
Happy Meditation!