Hello faithful readers, very faithful considering how long it has been since I last posted, lol.
I have a gift for you. I have been receiving a lot of e-mails from people who have been cursed and have had negative spells cast upon them. I created this spell a long time ago. It is a Protection spell, designed to remove negative energy from your life and protect you against any who wish you harm. I call it the White Light Shield of Protection.
White Light Sheild
White Light Shield
Items you will need…..
~A White Candle
~ A glass bowl of clear, clean water.
~A single quartz stone
Crystal and Pentacle
Pre ritual preparation.
Take a bath before preforming this ritual. Make sure you take the time to relax and cleanse yourself in the water, clear your mind and focus on the spell you are about to cast. Clear your mind. While in the bath chant to yourself 3 times…..
” I cleanse my body and mind with these healing waters,
I cleanse myself of all negativity and prepare my mind for
the task at hand. My task, I seek to cleanse myself and my
space of any who wish harm upon me.”
Before doing the ritual wash the crystals and the candle in a glass bowl of clear water. While you are washing them chant 3 times…..
“I cleanse you of all energies, I banish all darkness
I cleansed you to serve the light, I cleanse you to serve my will
your energies cleansed to serve my call”
Magic Ritual
Light the candle about a foot in front of you, between you and the candle place the bowl of water. Take the crystal and gently place it in the water.
Gaze directly into the candle and stare into the flame, allowing the energy of fire to flow over your body. Imagine in your mind the energy of the flame is moving from the candle and washing over you, washing over your entire body and cleansing your aura of negative energy and darkness.
See in your minds eye, and image of you sitting there staring into the candle, and see a white energy expanding around you. Imagine a pure white light surroudning you. When you see this image clearly chant…
“I summon the white light, the power of the virtue and strength,
The light of purity and protection, the light of justice and might!
I call to you the power of the white light, of virtue and strength,
I call to you, come and surround me, bless me with your power,
consume me in your warmth.
I call to you, sacred light, surround me and protect me,
so that no evil, no darkness, and non who wish me harm shall ever reach me again.
While I am surrounded by the white light of virtue and strength, non can harm me.
I am shielded, and I am protected by the white light”
The white light surrounds me, the white light encases me,
I am protected, I am shielded by the power of the white light”
As you gaze into the candle feel the power of the white light surrounding you. You should feel warm, keep saying the chant, repeat it at least three times.
Do this ritual everyday until you can feel the energy of the white light with you always. If you are ever in a situation where you feel darkness surrounding you chant.
“I am surrounded by the white light, I repel all evil, I repel all darkness, non can harm me for the white light shields me”
See in your minds eye the power of the white light surrounding you, even imagine dark energy being repelled.
Akelta has always had an interest in the occult and exploring the unseen world of spirit. She began her magickal journey at the young age of 6 years when she discovered that she came from a long line of spell casters and witches. She lives a truly magickal existence, not only in exploring the spirit world, but also using her abilities to create the life of her dreams. Aside from being an Occultist and Sourceress, she is also an artist and writer and in her spare time enjoys painting and drawing visions she receives from the spiritual world. She also enjoy drawing and reading peoples auras who request it of her.
If you are interested in awakening our own spiritual ability and walking your unique spiritual path then visit Black Magic Secrets and get the tools you need to begin your spiritual quest. What are you waiting for?
Read articles by Priestess Akelta
I love this spells but i can’t find the quatz stone.
what about the crystal?