I do daily work with the Dark Lords, one in particular who holds a special place in my heart is Lord Lucifer, I have worked with him for over 10 years now.
Lord Lucifer is one of the most intelligent and fun beings to be with. He is so wise and intelligent and he is very big on enlightenment and helping one discover their potential and inner power. He also has unique abilities to help you access hidden regions of power within your aura/body. He was actually present during my Reiki attunments and has helped me to develop my healing art. He also has incredible insights on things and can be philosophical to talk to. I love visiting with and talking to Lucifer, he is amazing.
A very powerful message he shared with me was this.
“In this world there are things that will knock you down and things that will raise you up. You will be exposed to a combination of each. You choose what you focus on, how you interpret these events and what you make a part of your reality. You can choose to focus on what brings you down and defeats you, what disempowers you, and bring those energies into your world attracting more of them. Or you can choose to focus on what inspires you, raises your vibration, allows for growth, empowers you, and you will bring more of that into your reality. Choose wisely what you put your attention on and make sure it is serving you and what you desire.”
~High Priestess Akelta
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