I have had an interesting couple on months. For a little while I went on Vacation to Vancouver Island to relax and unwind and well reevaluate my goals. It is always good in ones magickal development to take time out for you and reevaluate where you are and where you want to go. Like most things in life, to be successful at magick you need to set goals and stay focused and commited to yourself. My Royal Demon Commander Prince V remind me of that always. I find that taking a vacation helps to recharge my aura and refreshes my mind so that when I return I am sharp and able to get all my black magic results in the time I want. Tofino is a perfect place to do just that.

To me setting goals is important and it is what moves me forward.
(*note)( I realize I stopped blogging right in the middle of a concentration series and intend to resume that topic this week. )
During my vacation I was able to do an interesting ritual that involved contacting a deity to help me improve my mind set and figure out where I wanted to go. I find contacting and summoning entities is an Amazing way to improve ones life. They are all so knowledgeable and if one has faith in them and respect for them they will reward you greatly.
I preformed a candle ritual in a graveyard as that an area where there is a mass of spiritual energy. It is a great place for spells and magick as the area already has a link between the spiritual world and the real world.
My fiance who has recently taken an interest in Black magic decided to join me which was great, the more participant their are in a spell the more energy is added to the spell, and the more effective the spell is. So when doing your own spells if you ever find a serious magician who wishes to join you, by all means invite them.
We both had wonderful expereinces. My fiance was able to make contact with the enity he called upon and recieved a ton on information and had thousands of opportunities open up to him. His life has changed for the better since the ritual.

I contacted the entity I called upon and we worked on a new game plan for me. I am still working on new books, but I needed to take a different approach and I am reformatting what I am doing.
As most things, when ones life shifts so does everything in ones life. After I returned from Vacation my computer decided that my energy was to erratic for it. Well no, it just needed a new power supply, but still it gave me a little scare cause I realized how much I value my computer. I thought it was broken indefinitely and was SO happy when my mechanic told me it was just the power supply. My poor old little system was overloaded so I bought a beautiful Macintosh to help alleviate the load.
I am a firm believer in taking care of everything you have in your life especially computers. Anything that has an energy force to it has a small life force and computers are no different. Being a Black magician, or any magician is not just a few spells that you cast here and there, it is a mindset, an ability to tap into your power, to access your core strength and unleash your greatness upon the world. It is all around us and more people use it than they think. The entities are all around and will help if we so ask them. They only ask that in return we do what we say and stay committed to our own growth and love yourself.
~Priestess Akelta