Once one has achieved Pratyaharahe/she is ready to move on to the next step in improving their concentration. These Raja Yoga stages are essential for developing a high level of concentration that guarantees success in black magick and spell craft. The Next one that comes after Pratyahara is called; Dharana

Dharana is the stage where you begin to train the mind to focus on one singular object at a time. It is where the mind learns to focus on one task, much like a highly concentrated laser beam. There are some Laser beams that are so powerful that they can cut through metal. A mind that is trained to focus can attain similar power. When you learn to channel your thoughts your mind can become just as powerful as the laser and preform some amazing acts that most people would think impossible.
Dharana is unbroken concentration. The mind it trained to focus on one object and only that object for any amount of time. Depending on your skill level will determine how long you can focus on the object for. There are Yogis that have the ability to focus on objects for days without breaking their concentration. Imagine this; You have a light bulb hooked up to a small energy source that will give out a certain amount of energy. It glows very brightly. This is the mind focus, and concentrating on one source. Now I want you to imagine that you connect another light bulb to the (series) circuit. The lights dull a little but it is unnoticeable to most. Now lets say you take 100 light bulbs and all attach them. The lights will all dull as they all try to disperse the electricity between them. No bulb has any real power to produce light and they are all dull. This is exactly what happen to an unfocused mind. The mind cannot complete the task because it is focusing on too much. 100 dull bulbs cannot light a room, but one bright one can. It is the same with the mind.

We have all experienced some level of unbroken concentration. When you are engaged in an activity that really fascinates you and hours can go by in seconds because you are so absorbed in that activity. Most people can attain this state when they are doing something that they enjoy. The point of training the mind to focus is to that you can attain this state weather you enjoy the activity or not. A good example of this unbroken concentration is extraordinary athletes. The ones that go beyond the norm and preform things that are amazing. These athletes have a heightened sense of concentration and powerful minds that direct their will into their actions, allowing them to go beyond what most could do. With the right training you can learn to focus your mind and apply it to all areas of your life. Achieving Dharana is the way to do that. In Dharana we sit in a comfortable position and instead of turning all the senses inwards we direct them onto a singular object and remain focused solely on that object for a duration of time. I often speak of the Dot exercise which is perfect for developing this skill. Basically get a piece of paper and draw a dot on it the size of a dollar coin and place it on the wall then focus on it for 30 minutes three times a day. This exercise is amazing for developing your focus.

This Dot is a little different than the one I speak of but it demonstrates what I speak on well. When you state are the Dot the black haze around it begins to disappear, this is due to the fact that you mind is focused on the dot in the centre and begins to tune out all things around it. That is the purpose of focusing on the Dot. To focus on it solely and tune out all the black haze around you. When first learning to master this skill it will be frustrating. The mind in the beginning is like a child and is easily distracted. When you find your thoughts drifting away for complete focus on the object, simply take a deep breath in and re focus them on the object. Remember that you goal is to focus your thoughts 100% on the object. It takes practise to learn this skill, and dedication. You must also be patient with yourself and not allow the cloudiness of frustration prevent you from attaining your goal. Keep your thoughts clear and your will strong. Resist the urge to focus on the vast amounts of objects and sounds that will be competing for your attention, remain focused on your goal. With a strong core, you can overcome all obstacles and nothing can harm you. In Black magick training and strengthening your core is essential as you will find that with a strong core comes more effective spells, and abilities that you might have thought were impossible.
As you Practise, this ability will becomes easier and easier and your energy will becomes stronger and able to hold this focus on anything that you do. This skill will not just benefit you in black magick, but in all areas of your life, you will see the world in a clarity that most will never see. Daily tasks that were once hard and draining, will becomes easier and accomplished in less time. When you start down the path to improve your focus, you are not just training yourself to be a better black magician, you are training your mind to function better and influence all areas of life. Love your path, more then the endless thoughts of your mind.
Happy Focusing
Priestess Akelta.
llove to know how to do black magic
I want to learn black magic .
During the dot training, my eyes staring the dot. Can my eye blink due to unconfortable during pratice?
what is the bblack magic spell for making is rain heavily
very helpful, thank you