I have stated many times that the key to casting effective spells is concentration and focus. Today I would like to go a little deeper into that, and reveal to you some of the skills that you develope by continually practising and improving your focus and concentrations. There are a lot of other reason as to why concentration is importaqnt, especially in magickal growth. This is why I not only practice growing my skills as a Black Magician, but I also practise Raja Yoga.
Raja Yoga has many valuable teachings that any magician can use to better their skills. In Raja Yoga the mind is trained to be still and focused. The clutter that once corroded the thoughts melts away to reveal a mind of stillness and clarity. A mind that is in control and has no fear or distractions. When you can attain this state with your own mind, all spells will be easy and your world will become like putty in your hand.
There are five external aids of Yoga, but I would like to focus my attention on the internal aids.
Pratyahara is the stage I will talk about today, it is the transition of the mind from foucsing on the external world, to the internal world. It is in this stage that we learn to turn our attention inward, and focus our mind completly on our inner world. This ability is very beneficial, for it allows us to observe our own mind and its working. It is amazing what you can uncover about your self if you merely turn your attention inward and listen to what your mind, body and spirit are saying.
Due to all the distractions that go on around us it is amazing how many people do not even know of the inner world. They are so caught up in life that they has never taken the time to stop and reflect upon themselves. It is important for one to be able to step away from the outside would and journey inward to the internal self. Advanced Yoga Practitioners are able to turn off their senses to the outside world entiarly, so that the stimulus does not even reach their brain. They reach a state where they are complelty focused on the inner self. In the very advanced staged the Practitioner can even turn off the electric current that pulsates through the nerves and the involuntary muscles. This is aided with the technique Pranayama (breath control).

I actually demonstrated this ability to a Biology class that I took in college. We were measuring our heart rates and blood pressure using a clip that attached itself to our fingers. The teacher was talking about heart rate and saying that if the heart rate dropped below 40 Beats per minute that the person was in trouble. So I put the machine on and focused inward using my breathing practises. I managed to drop my heart rate to 35 beats per minute. The teacher asked me if I did any meditation and I told her I did Raja Yoga. She nodded and then informed the class that some people especially those who practise breathing and focus can control their heartrate using their mind.
By attaining Pratyahara we open our minds up to the intelligence of the universe and the power of our own minds. It is important that once to start down this path to attain inner stillness and peace regularily. It keep your awareness in each moment and allows you to commit more of your brain to tasks you undertake in your daily life. You will find that once your concentration improves you will get more done in less time and have more time for yourself. Pratyahara is a first step towards meditation and eventually the advanced pratices of Raja Yoga. With practise and time you will learn to use the outer and inner awareness at the same time. When this happens the world becomes clearer and you are able to focus on everything you do with clarity.
Happy Focusing
Priestess Akelta
P.S. Here is an article that will give you an idea of what can be attained with a focus mind.
HI, my name is damian, i’ve noticed lately that i get very easily distracted with my surroundings, when someone say something while i’m doing whatever is it that i’m doing, i get distracted thinkin’ anything outside of me, and sometimes, the person i’m talking to has to repeat me again. Would u guys help me find some inner foccus and clarity. I’m 29years old and i need some help!! thank you. Damian L
Thanx for the article.
I’ve know that the concentration is the basic trigger for the man power. it’s the foundatoin for the mircales and achievments..
So soo true! Concentration is key!