Growing pain in Black Magic

Growing pain in Black Magic

Growing Pains

In Black Magic,  well, in all forms of magick one strives for enlightenment, power and connections to the self.  Unlike some books will say,  there is always going to be some painful realizations.  When you start on a journey such as this, it is never an easy thing.  There are always obstacles to over come and growing pains.

Just remember, Black magicians never give up and will keep striving for mastery…

It is not all bad, there will be moments of sheer bliss, and when one begins true mastery these will come quite frequently, and eventually will always be.   But, in the beginning stages, it can be rocky.

Follow your spiritual path
Follow your spiritual path

In Black magicmost of these obstacles are never on the outside, but on the inside.   In order to be a true Black magicianwith access to the higher powers and abilities far beyond what you currently think is possible, you need to master YOURSELF.

This is one of the hardest tasks in the world.  Think about it, most of the time people listen to what others tell them to do.  From a child we have  parents, teachers, people telling us what is good for us and what we need to do.  The  child never has a chance to breath and listen to themselves.   On top of that, we are taught that taking care of ourselves first is selfish and wrong.  How can we take care of anyone if we cannot take care of ourselves.  It is not selfish to put yourself first, it is actually the most selfless thing you can do.  Ponder that one for a while.

We are taught to be the servants, when in reality we need to be the masters.

It can be lonely and scary looking into yourself and actually listening to what is going on down there.  Gazing into the mind can lead to madness,  that is why some people who walk this path end up in the hospital.   It is essential though.  You must know yourself and strive to do what you want and what you will.  It is your path and only you know what is right for you while walking it.

Long walk through the desert
Long walk through the desert

When you begin to listen to yourself on the inside, you will begin to see the power that you have.  You will become strong and confident and able to overcome all obstacles effortlessly.

Once the mind is mastered, Black magickspells and rituals will be easy for you.   The first stages of any new skill are always hard.  You will be fighting with all your old behaviours,  the hardest part is breaking those behaviours and believing in yourself.   If you love and respect yourself, spells work 10 times better.  When you are connected to yourself and living in each moment you are able to summon more energy inside of you and manipulate the energy around you.   When you learn to Focus 100% on each thing you do during the day the world will appear simpler and you will bend it to your will.

Some things that happen when you begin to grow and experience new, powerful energies is that you can feel like you are on top of the world.  Or you can feel down in the dumps.  These highs and lows happen, even to me.  As long as you keep working towards understanding yourself and growing, then eventually they will end.

What you see is what you become
What you see is what you become

If you devote yourself to black magick there will be other trials that you must overcome and trials you must pass.  depending on how far you go some of these are very intense.  Each down you overcome be joyful and know that you have grown from the experience.

It is important when practising black magick to not push yourself and only do things that you feel comfortable with.  Only do what you feel is right for you and never let anyone talk you into anything you do not want to do.    Alwasy strive to grow, but be mindful of your current states.  You must know yourself and be present with yourself if order to be a successful Black Magician.

Happy Casting,

Priestess Akelta


Priestess Akelta

Akelta has always had an interest in the occult and exploring the unseen world of spirit. She began her magickal journey at the young age of 6 years when she discovered that she came from a long line of spell casters and witches. She lives a truly magickal existence, not only in exploring the spirit world, but also using her abilities to create the life of her dreams. Aside from being an Occultist and Sourceress, she is also an artist and writer and in her spare time enjoys painting and drawing visions she receives from the spiritual world. She also enjoy drawing and reading peoples auras who request it of her. If you are interested in awakening our own spiritual ability and walking your unique spiritual path then visit Black Magic Secrets and get the tools you need to begin your spiritual quest. What are you waiting for?

Reader Comments

  1. Personally, I eat a very healthy diet, and I do not drink, smoke or do drugs. I keep my body and mind as clear as possible so that I am focused when doing rituals and spells. As for how much time to spend on breathing exercises, at least 30 minutes to an hour daily. The consistency is important, if you commit to doing a breathing exercise make sure you do it daily.

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