Cleaning house

Just like dust can build up in a house so can spiritual energy.  Energy can build up in the house and make it feel cramped or cluttered.  When this happens the house usually falls into a state of mess and nothing ever seems to become clean.  Also you may feel odd sensations in your home…Read More

The Power of Crystal Grids

This Blog is an request, if you would like to request a topic please e-mail us! Crystal grids are a very powerful tool when it comes to black magick. As we know crystlas are stones that have been charged with different energies.  Each individual crystal has it’s own unique property.  Individually, crystals are very powerful. …Read More

Sigils in Everyday Life

One of the Greatest and most powerful skills in Black Magic is that of Sigil Magick.  Sigil magick is where you make a desire reality by creating sigils of these desires and focusing energy into it. The sigil then acts as a magical beacon that manifests the desire into your reality. What is a sigil?…Read More

Planning Spells

Planning Spells

Spell Planning

There are lots of people in the world that feel that black magick is an easy art.  And that all that is involved in it is on the spur of the moment setting up a few candles and chanting some phrases and then magically having everything appear to them…………….  Ok that would be called a…Read More

Black Magic

Black Magic

Black Magic Goals

Well I decided to take a little break for the New Year and go away for a week, just to relax and re-evaluate my goals and what I want to do this year. When doing Black Magic it is important to to set goals for your self and have an understanding of where you wish…Read More

Money Spell

Money Spell

Free Money Spell

Here is a little something that everyone can practise with.  It is a money spell that I have tested in the past and know of it’s efficiency. What you need…… ~3 Green Candles ~A piece of fresh paper and pen ~ A piece of Malachite ~Burn Jasmine, Mint, or Orange essential oils. Step 1 First…Read More

Growing Pains

Growing Pains

Growing pain in Black Magic

In Black Magic,  well, in all forms of magick one strives for enlightenment, power and connections to the self.  Unlike some books will say,  there is always going to be some painful realizations.  When you start on a journey such as this, it is never an easy thing.  There are always obstacles to over come and growing pains. Just remember,…Read More

Crystals and Black Magic Rituals

It is a known fact that crystals are very powerful tools, especially when doing black magick.  They are known for their healing properties as well as their ability to direct and manipulate energy.   They are used is all schools of magick. Each crystal contains different energies with different properties.  For example Quartz is a great crystal…Read More



A Worthy Black Magick Goal

In Black magic there is a very useful skill that once learned can be applied to every area of your life.  Belive it or not, this skill is the Art of Evocation. I would first like to note that there is a huge difference between Invocation and Evocation. Invocation : Is a ritual or Prayer.  You…Read More

Elemental Power

Elemental Power

Power of the Elements

I woke up at the start of the weekend to a wonderful surprise….It was snowing! Now I love the snow, it is one of my favorite weather conditions.  I love how beautiful it makes everything, and also how powerful it is.  When it snows I will start by going outside and meditating in it.  It helps to…Read More