Black Magic Goals

Black Magic Goals

Black Magic

Well I decided to take a little break for the New Year and go away for a week, just to relax and re-evaluate my goals and what I want to do this year.

When doing Black Magic it is important to to set goals for your self and have an understanding of where you wish to take your craft. Sure it can be fun blindly waking around just doing whatever you feel like, but in the end you need to focus your efforts if you want to master any black magic skill.

Witch Sabbath
Witch Sabbath

This is why, at the start of the New Year, I will cast a cleansing spell.  After cleansing myself I will take time for me (another important thing to do in black magic).  Touch base with myself, and figure out what I desire in the coming year.

There are many roads in life, and in Black magic we believe that we can take any road we want.  The choice is ours where we we wish to go.

A wooden path
A wooden path

When I was younger I use to go hiking in the mountains ( I still do but not as much). On some of those trips I would just blindly walk around and play in the forest.  It was those times where I usually never made it past the base of the mountain. When I walked in with a goal to get to the top of the mountain, I would usually end my journey on top looking down on the city ( a beautiful site to behold).

Vancouver from Grouse mountain
Vancouver from Grouse mountain

 Anyway my point is that no path is wrong.  When I stayed at the bottom and ran around at the base, I had fun, but never accomplished getting to the top.  When I set the goal of getting to the top I achieved what I wanted.   Depending on what you want your outcome to be, your journey will be different.

With magickal abilities it is the same thing.  If you want to excel in black magic, then you need to practice and be committed to learning your skills.  Setting goals can help you stay on track and focused on your goals so that you get there faster.

When I set my goals I will alway start by taking time for me and just relaxing.  I find that the business of life can sometimes overpower the internal voice so every now and then you need to silence all noise and listen to what your true self is telling you.  I use Meditation for this.   Meditation is a very very important thing in Black Magic as it helps you to get in touch with yourself and understand what your needs and wants are.  Basically meditation provides you with a door to seek out your inner self and find out what you want.

After I have meditated and found out what I want I will them make a list of things that I want to have, or wish to do in the coming year.   The important thing with making the list is to not let the “I can’t do that attitude get in the way.”   When you write something down and you feel like you cannot do that, that is your mind putting a limitation on you.  In Black Magic we must work to remove these limitations and believe in our own power.

Believe me these limitations can take time to break down.  Some of them take years  depending on what the limitation is.   Just make the list and do not worry about anything.

When it comes to magic goals, after I have made the list of things I would enjoy learning about I will then read as much as I can on those topic, as well as meditate on the concept seeing what information I can derive from the spirit world.  Which is usually a lot.

One last important piece on information.  Only do things if you enjoy it.  Do not do anything you hate just to impress other people.  Do things for you!  In Black Magic the outcome or attaining the goal is not the most important part.

Getting to the goal is not the most important part.  The journey,  hiking up the mountain and taking in all that is around me, is.  Sure acheiving goals is great, but the jouney is where the lessons are learned and where the growth happens.  It is also where all your exerpiences and memories take place.  Do not stress yourself out about making mastering your goals.  Enjoy the Journey and learn all you can from the experience.


If you cannot have fun and enjoy the journey, then you will never be truely happen IF you ever reach your goal.   Your magick will be stronger if you learn with enthusiasm and passion.

Happy Goal Setting,

Priestess Akelta


Priestess Akelta

Akelta has always had an interest in the occult and exploring the unseen world of spirit. She began her magickal journey at the young age of 6 years when she discovered that she came from a long line of spell casters and witches. She lives a truly magickal existence, not only in exploring the spirit world, but also using her abilities to create the life of her dreams. Aside from being an Occultist and Sourceress, she is also an artist and writer and in her spare time enjoys painting and drawing visions she receives from the spiritual world. She also enjoy drawing and reading peoples auras who request it of her. If you are interested in awakening our own spiritual ability and walking your unique spiritual path then visit Black Magic Secrets and get the tools you need to begin your spiritual quest. What are you waiting for?

Reader Comments

  1. Hi Priestess Akelta,
    I read your article and impressed but i think it is not as easy as it seems,although i need to learn things for developing my carear without hurting anyone.

  2. Interesting that you’re also from vancouver, i live in new west… what a small world…
    i understand everything you’re taking about… and it’s right. but i want something more… there must be some sort of tools that we can or should use from this 3d… to help in the manifestation process… no?
    perhaps writing on a piece of paper and putting it under your bed… or… folding it up and hiding it in a safe place…. i dont know…. what about symbols…
    i heard something incredible the other day that stated that drawing 16 dots (4 dots wide, by 4 dots high) on a piece of paper, and staring at this evokes peace and serenity in ones mind…. and i can’t remember how or why this is the case. but it is. my dad told me about this, it was on a radio program called coast to coast, if you’ve heard of it. in any case, the guest also suggested that we place these 16 dots below our bed, to sleep better and more at peace, each evening.
    so this is what i’m kind of after… not the 16 dots… but the concept of using material or writing or imagery to help manifest our goals.
    so what kind of material can we use to help in fulfilling our goals?
    any thoughts or recommendations?
    by the way, it’s not the placebo effect, there is something crazy about those 16 dots, when you draw them on a piece of paper. draw it out, try. you’ll see.

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